
PAVAMĀNA: Enduring Indic Wisdom

Shri Hanuman, India’s own Superman

© by Bala Bharadvaj, 23 April 2024

śrī hanumān, India’s own Superman

śrī hanumān, more commonly known as hanumān-ji, is a very popular deity worshipped across India.  Today (23 April 2024) is his birthday or jayanti.

We are introduced to hanumān-ji in the epic rāmāyaṇa.  He becomes a very important character in the epic story.  It is hanumān-ji who goes into rāvaṇa’s kingdom, meets with sītā devī, gives her śrī rāma’s ring (which had been entrusted by śrī rāma), and assures her that śrī rāma would come soon and redeem her.  Later, he mobilizes the army of monkeys to attack rāvaṇa’s laṅka, and also brings a huge mountain full of herbs to save lakṣmaṇa (śrī rāma’s brother).  hanumān-ji plays the role of a perfect supportive leader to śrī rāma without looking for personal fame and glory.  His exploits are well documented in different versions of the rāmāyaṇa and hanumān-ji is admired widely as a superhero from India; indeed, he has earned the admiration and deep respect not only from ordinary people, but also from sages and seers.

Superman is a comic book superhero introduced in 1938 by DC Comics.  Superman is well loved by the public and his escapades have been described not only in the comic books but also in several movie productions.

Common traits of hanumān and Superman

Both have mysterious beginnings.

  • Superman is said to have come from a planet called Krypton and was sent to the Earth by his parents before Krypton exploded.
  • hanumān was born to a monkey mother (anjana) and monkey father (kesari) with the special blessings of vāyu the God of Wind.  hanumān was also blessed by various other deities with unique additional powers.

Both remain quiet in the background until they are called into action.

  • When not busy saving the world, Superman is a reporter by the name of Clark Kent, and looks like an ordinary guy with glasses.
  • hanumān is a quiet and contemplative monkey sitting under the pārijāta tree, until someone asks for his help.

Both have displayed extra-ordinary physical strength and can even fly when needed.

  • Superman is regularly shown as stopping trains and moving huge buildings with his sheer strength to rescue people.  Sometimes, he leaps and flies in the air.
  • hanumān defeated strong rākṣasa-s (demons) with bare hands or using a huge club (gadha).  In the rāmāyaṇa, he flew across the sea to reach rāvaṇa’s laṅka, and also flew long distances carrying a whole mountain (sanjīvani) with special herbs to revive lakṣmaṇa

What is the source of their special powers?

Based on various stories about Superman, we can conclude that he came from another planet, and the Kryptonite gives him unique powers, i.e., he was born with them.

From the purāṇa-s, we learn that hanumān gets his strength from vāyu devata, as well as other deities who blessed him with special powers when he was a small child.  Later, he studied under sūrya devata (Sun God) and mastered various scriptures.  In the process, he acquired various siddhi-s (special magical powers).  He became a devotee of śrī rāma and is constantly meditating on śrī rāma.  Pleased with his devotion and service, śrī rāma blessed hanumān to be a cirañjīvi (an immortal being).  However, he remains very humble, quietly meditating on śrī rāma and is said to be present wherever śrī rāma’s stories are being told. hanumān-ji was blessed as a child, but also developed his capabilities by learning and his diligence.

What can we learn from them?

Three characteristics common to hanumān-ji and Superman are very valuable for us to emulate.

  • Become an expert – Focus on learning various skills and gain expert knowledge in a broad range of areas, so that these can be used to overcome any challenge.
  • Remain focused and dedicated to a higher purpose – such as helping people in distress, subduing and defeating evil forces, and pursuing spiritual growth.
  • Be humble and trustworthy – remain in the background until called upon to help; however, bring your entire repertoire of skills into play when asked to do a specific job.  Don’t flaunt the special skills to get publicity but be always ready to help.

Where can we contact these superheros?

Not sure how you can reach Superman, but hanumān-ji can be contacted at one of many temples across India.  One can also invoke him in our own heart by chanting various śloka-s and mantra-s.  A popular one is as follows:

मनोजवं मारुत तुल्य वेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम् ।

वातात्मजं वानरयूथ मुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शिरसा नमामि ॥

manojavaṃ māruta tulya vegaṃ jitendriyaṃ buddhimatāṃ variṣṭham|

vātātmajaṃ vānarayūtha mukhyaṃ śrīrāmadūtaṃ śirasā namāmi ||

POPULAR MEANING: I bow down to hanumān-ji, who is the leader of the hordes of monkeys and very dear to the Wind God, who is quick thinking and as fast as the wind, who is the best among the intelligent, has mastery over his senses, and is the messenger of śrī rāma.

We find that śrī hanumān or hanumān-ji is a great role model for how to operate in the world, but also a highly evolved spiritual master worthy of our adoration and veneration.




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