PAVAMĀNA: Enduring Indic Wisdom

Tag: hanuman

  • Shri Hanuman, India’s own Superman

    śrī hanumān, more commonly known as hanumān-ji, is a very popular deity across India.  It is interesting to see that He has many magical qualities. and has similarities with the Superman character from the West.

  • śrī rāma and rāmāyaṇa

    Shri Rama and Ramayana by Bala Bharadvaj Today (17 April 2024) is rāma navami – the day on which śrī rāma was born thousands of years ago in ayodhya, as the son of king daśaratha and queen kausalya. We come to know about śrī rāma as introduced in the epic rāmāyaṇa composed by mahaṛṣi vālmīki,…

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